As we gear up for busy season this year, I wanted to prepare a list of file prep requirements for designers, marketing/design agencies and customers who like to provide print-ready artwork to us. We are often asked how we would like our files prepared since every print shop tends to like their artwork prepared slightly […]

Wow, what a fun experience this was! In between printing a couple of big jobs last week, our new friend Justin at came through and filmed a fun little spot ad for us! We filmed for two days and Justin already had a vision that I just followed along with. Out of the minute […]

Earlier last week we were approached by the Red Bull office here in Portland, Oregon to do a window display at a local motorcycle dealership. Red Bull wanted to place a clearly branded action sports piece showcasing Ryan Dungey, a professional motocross rider, somewhere on the outside of the building. The only catch being it […]

No matter what anyone tells you, banded and splotchy prints should never be considered acceptable, no matter how inexpensive they are! In this particular case, a customer mailed us an example sticker from their past printer that they wanted to have replicated. They are a nationally-known motorcycle parts manufacturer who was looking for a new […]